
Common Characteristics

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a lifelong disorder that may affect a person’s ability to socially communicate with others and the need to adhere to restricted and/or repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. When looking at the often excessive behaviors of individuals with autism, it is important to recognize that what may appear as willful disobedience or noncompliance is more accurately a reflection of the neurobiological nature of the disorder.

Common Characteristics

Social Communication and Social Interaction

  • Literal interpretation of others’ words
  • Difficulty establishing and maintaining relationships
  • Tendency to speak bluntly without regard for the impact of word on others
  • Inappropriate facial expressions, gestures, or eye contact
  • Limited imaginative or pretend play
  • Limited ability to initiate, respond to, or maintain conversation
  • Abnormal voice inflection and cadence
  • Overgeneralization of social behavior across all contexts and environments
  • Difficulty understanding or taking on others’ perspective

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Common Characteristics​

Restricted/ Repetitive Patterns of Behavior, Interests, or Activities

  • Stereotyped or repetitive behavior (e.g. lining up toys) or speech (e.g. echolalia)
  • Highly restricted interests and fixations
  • Rigid thinking patterns
  • Difficulty adapting to transitions or sudden changes in routine
  • Difficulty switching from one activity to the next
  • Hyper- or hyposensitivity to everyday sounds, textures, smells, lights, and/or movement